Almost there...
Two weeks left? Three weeks? I hardly want to look....
It's a good thing I started P90x in the cold months, because there's no way I'm going to be able to continue to do P90x workouts in 30+ degree weather. My motto has always been "If your underwear's not soaked, you're not working hard enough" and lately it's proven true with the combination of Legs/Back plus the heat and humidity that's common with the climate of my hometown Winnipeg.
I was thinking that having done some cleaning and painting before my workout tonight might have been a good enough warm up but in the end, not surprisingly, I was still nearly dry-heaving after the last set of switch grip pullups. Even the P90x recovery drink was sitting a little uneasy in my stomach afterwards and that alone is a testament to how hard I worked, since it always goes down smooth and STAYS down smooth. Rah-rah, right guys? *burp*
Lately my diet's kind of sucked. I guess I lost a bit of focus last week for some reason, and maybe wasn't as strict on my diet as I could have been. A few family functions and mandatory cake-servings had me feeling a little bit guilty so as a conscience-soother I've been doing a little bit of running here and there. I'm not so sure how beneficial it is to my goals or what effect it REALLY has after a piece of Strawberry-Rhubarb pie with ice-cream, but it goes a long way to appeasing my eating disorder known as P90x.
Enough for now. Time to air out my shorts, shower and literally watch the paint dry on my walls.