....as Dreya would say (Less annoyingly though) "SO good!!!"
Last week a package arrived on my desk at the office, and upon opening it I found that my awesome P90x sponsor at www.sheafitness.com was generous enough to send me a free sample of the P90x Recovery drink formula along with a very intimidating P90x "Bring It" T-shirt (You'd better believe work got DONE that day!). Regardless of the benefits and fancy packaging of the P90x Recovery Formula, I have to tell you that the taste alone is enough to make you want to hurry up and get your workout over with. Remember those orange creamsicles you'd get from the Dickie-Dee vendor as a kid or perhaps the days when your mom would plop a dollop of vanilla ice cream into a tall glass of Orange Crush for you? Heck, to a lesser extent perhaps one of those Orange Campino hard candies? That's what this stuff tastes like, it's that good. The only thing I don't like about it is the low protein to calorie ratio in it (10 grams of Pro to 220 calories) but I suppose that's why one buys Whey Isolate as a supplement. This stuff tastes too good to worry about that, right?
Even though I put it off longer than I should have, my Chest/Shoulders/Triceps workout went great tonight and my early supper of grilled chicken and asparagus did plenty to keep me fuelled (I love summer veggies. Home-grown asparagus is Mother Nature's natural answer to Cocaine). I'm usually too spent at the end of my workout to do the Plyo Pushups where they're required and have to settle for the clap variety. This week was no exception and I had to bear down to get my clap pushouts finished. Mark my words though, in my last week of P90x (which isn't that far away) I'm going to attempt the Plyo's, smashed face or not. They're a snap to do when you're fresh but after numerous upper body exercises that leave you gasping for air, it's a chore to even get yourself standing again at the end of the workout, nevermind defying gravity with your face merely inches away from the unyielding basement floor.
I'm pretty tired, and up a little past my self-imposed curfew. Thanks again for reading. Plyometrics and Habs/Flyers tomorrow...not sure which will be more exhausting to endure.
P.S. Yes, I know Cocaine is derived from naturally-growing plants. I don't care, Asparagus is still better.
I love Asparagus! FYI, if you ever need a recovery solution for a hangover the P90X Recovery Formula is it~ really does the trick.