Another day, another notch on my P90x belt.
Shoulders and Arms
After work I quickly zipped home to change into my gear, hauled the Laptop downstairs and got into my routine. Shoulders and Arms was the workout tonight and after a quick warmup with Tony and the Gang (big fan of Drea, or whatever her name was) we got going. Right off the bat I realized that this workout was going to be a little trickier due to the weight selection being MUCH more crucial, and I found that I was often hitting pause to quickly switch up weights in the middle of a set after I realized I was going too heavy or too light. The first part of this workout doesn't give you a whole lot of time to write down your reps and weight in between sets, so next time I'll be a little more prepared to zap over to my P90x Workout Log (complete with Stoner Cookie-Cake Dog on the cover) and get my info down quickly during the first few movements.
All the exercises were pretty basic for biceps/triceps/shoulders, and I was glad they'd included curls, dips and shoulder presses since those three things are familiar and comfortable movements for me. I can see myself really bumping up the weight in the future for lower reps and higher intensity on these exercises, and I think this part of P90x is where one who's wishing to gain mass can really control the outcome. It's tempting to go to lighter weights, but think back to your heavy lifting days and realize that you were most likely doing 3 sets of 10 at a time anyway, it's easier to handle. I found that while I didn't seem to have that sick bicep pump I used to get after doing three isolation movements in a row at the Gym, my arms had definitely lost their strength in a more drawn out and consistant manner. Think of it as climbing a mountain slowly and steadily rather than dashing up a rope (Bad analogy? Cut me some slack, it's my third day).
Wow, it's amazing what one day of rest can do! Not only did I pass the Crunchy Frogs and whatever was after it without any problem, I didn't find myself hitting pause until about 6 exercises in! PLUS, I pretty much completed 25 reps of every exercise, except the one that targets the Obliques (The one where you're lying on your side) as I don't even think my Obliques can move in that direction. Holy fail, there's nothing more discouraging than trying to work a muscle you've never touched in your entire life. That being said, I'm MUCH more confident about my ability to do the Ab Ripper next time around, and I'm looking forward to seeing how far I can get before I have to hit Pause.
Just finished my shake and am about to hit the sack...still suffering a little bit of jet lag from Hawaii, so hopefully by the end of this weekend I'll have it licked and can really sock it to P90x on Monday!
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