Carrots, Celery, Hummus and Pysanky. What go together better than these four things, you might ask? Well let me tell you: Legs, P90x, Protein and...Pysanky. There is nothing more traditionally Ukrainian then a good Pysanky night complete with Timbits, snacks, fellowship, coloured dye, and room-temperature eggs. Credit to my sister for the fantastic-looking bit of work featured above (In the last stages of melting the remaining wax off the egg) as well as the delightful evening fit for ANY P90xer (minus the Timbits)
Legs/Back Week 2!!
My leg/back workout was 2x better than last week! I figure I was a little more focused this time around because my form was good, my lifts all jumped, and I was sweating twice as hard than I did in my first go-around. Since I've made it very clear in previous posts that I've had issues with my knees, I feel like I should let knee-painers who are looking to try P90x know that if they've ignored the "Quality over Quantity" method until this point, they should wake up and appreciate it's merit with the Leg/Back exercise video. The pain that I'm always prepared for in leg exercises has been kept to an extreme minimum during these last few workouts, as I've focused fully and completely on my form and staying in control, even at the expense of one or two extra reps. I know that as soon as I hurry a movement or try to force a few extra reps, that's when I start to lose it and am then treated to the familiar situation of ol' Patella tracking over Mr. Incorrect Place and the subsequent pain that follows. While I know that my Patello-Femoral issues might not be as severe as what others experience, I fully believe that the exercises laid out in P90x Legs/Back coupled with Plyometrics and Yoga are physiotherapy lessons in disguise. I'm experiencing less knee pain now in every day life than I have in the past two years, and I'm only through 2 weeks of P90x (Knock on wood).
Note: Staring at Sophia during the deep lunge segment of the video, while a boost for morale, may not be the most advisable method to keeping your knees healthy. Focus on your moves, stay tight, and don't try to do too much. Even Captain America has Patello-Femoral issues sometimes, and even he knows to keep his wits about him (Although he agrees that Sophia is indeed attractive)
The dreaded two flights of stairs back up to my bedroom were hard enough after all was said and done, never mind having to fall backwards a full two feet onto the toilet. It's kind of ridiculous, but add exhausted leg and abdominal muscles to your daily life and you basically become a pink, human version of Gumby that can't climb stairs, can't sit down normally on the can and can't get up from his office chair without making sure the rest of the office knows how hard he worked his quads and how fit he's becoming. This brings me back to my squatting days, really.
Can't wait for Kenpo X tomorrow. I'm about to BRING IT Georges St. Pierre style, roughly 12 hours before he walks through Dan Hardy in similar fashion.
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