Sunday, April 4, 2010

Hangin' Tough

Don't let their boyish good-looks fool you...the New Kids on the Block could hang with the toughest of them.

In the land of Putters, Woods and Irons, 54 holes of golf in two days has done it's best to try and throw a monkey wrench into my P90x journey. I'm sure a lesser man would have trembled and quaked at the thought of mixing P90x with cruising the beautiful fairways of Arizona while sipping cool beverages and draining 24-foot putts, but I'm happy to say I've persevered and am still on track.

I finished Yoga on Friday night at roughly 11:30pm and just finished Kenpo X 10 minutes ago as evidenced by my post-shower glaze of sweat and still slightly-elevated heart rate. I go into my recovery week tomorrow and luckily have a day off (from Golf) tomorrow morning to try to fit in Core Synergistics. It's the first time I'll have done the video so I'm excited to see what Tony has in store for me and I'm hoping I can "bring it" before we hit the Arizona Diamondbacks home opener against the feared and perennial National League powerhouse favourite San Diego Padres. I might limit my peanut and cracker jack intake...

Note: Before boarding our plane to Arizona I realized I had forgotten my paperback in our vehicle back in the parking lot. I sprinted all the way out, got "Christine" out of the truck and sprinted all the way back with MINIMAL heavy breathing as a result. Probably the first pure instance where I've noticed P90x ameliorating my way of life...

1 comment:

  1. I approve the entirety of this post. Especially, your vocabularically sound use of "ameliorating."
