So while in Arizona, sometime between golfing and trying to not eat everything in sight, I realized I must have screwed up my schedule a little bit and was required to do a bit of juggling to get things back into place. When I was doing Core Synergistics, I should have been doing Yoga X and today I had to do Kenpo in order to get everything back to where it SHOULD be...ugh, how hard can it be? I know reading this blog is a stretch for most of you guys so I appreciate you not telling me "No dummy, you did Core Synergisticisics on the wrong day. FAIL". I appreciate it.
I'm finding that this recovery week is a little harder than I was expecting it to be. While the lack of weight routines is a nice break, I've got to admit that it's harder to keep my intensity and focus up with just the cardio/yoga based exercises and since my bodytype is more prone to lose muscle/fat when I'm not eating and lifting, I find it a little discouraging to feel my strength leaving me after only a couple days of "recovery". It might all just be in my head, but I've never really weighed so light before in my life (minus grade...like...9) and perhaps it's starting to wreak havoc with my psyche? I dunno...I can't wait until I finish the 90 days and am able to look back and say "well that's that...now what?".
Back on the food-wagon...
So after some SLIGHT deviation in my normally clean diet I've returned to Canada where I have my own kitchen and own pantry to deal with for meals/snacks/etc. I loaded up on Apples, 80-calorie wheat tortillas and pro-biotic yogourt cups (6 for $4.00 at Safeway) among other things to add to my meals as snacks. I still have to swing out to Costco to get a few platters of boneless/skinless chicken breasts as well as a few other things, but the aforementioned snacks combined with the loads of lean ground beef and venison in my freezer should last me for at least another month.
When the month runs up give Shakeology a try :)