The knowing glance says it all...
There is nothing better than how you feel after a P90x workout, especially if the workout that you just finished is a result of looking back through your workout log and noticing it was the one you missed while you were travelling last Friday. Seeing as how everything was hopelessly out of whack, I decided it'd be better to squeeze that workout in tonight before I got too close to the next phase of my resistance training in order to...you know... let some "recovery" take place.
Now as I flounder in a puddle of my own spent electrolytes and exhaustion, legs aching, the only drawback of this whole unfortunate event is that somehow my smallish brain has once again not failed to fail me. However, the fact that I still managed to squeeze this workout in without wrecking the rest of my schedule or demolishing my morale speaks wonders to the state of my commitment to P90x.
I hate it....but I love it.
Another great post!